Kuantan - Kuala Lumpur
D: 09:45 AM - Seater, AC
Kuantan - Kuala Lumpur
D: 02:45 PM - Seater, AC
Kuala Lumpur - Kuantan
D: 08:45 AM - Seater, AC
Kuala Lumpur - Kuantan
D: 02:45 PM - Seater, AC
Temerloh - Kuala Lumpur
D: 07:00 PM - Executive, AC
Kuala Lumpur - Temerloh
D: 07:00 PM - Executive, AC
Kuala Lumpur - Kuantan
D: 01:45 PM - Seater, AC
Kuala Lumpur - Kuantan
D: 07:45 PM - Seater, AC
Kuala Lumpur - Kuantan
D: 05:45 PM - Seater, AC
Kuantan - Kuala Lumpur
D: 12:45 PM - Seater, AC


Why Choose Our Travel

Bulan Restu is experienced in offering bus services across a number of city routes. The bus company makes continuous efforts in providing prompt service. It consists of well-maintained buses and cordial staff assisting passengers at all times. Travel... Read More

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What Our Clients say

Your Travel Needs, Our Priority

We’re here so you can travel with maximum safety, comfort and ease!


The attention to detail sets our buses apart from most buses... Read more

Driver’s Bay

The driver’s bay is designed in a way so...Read more

Fleet & Safety Regulations

All of our buses are equip..Read more

Free Wifi

Every Bulan Restu will be provided with free wifi for all Read more

More leg room

Cheap doesn’t equal less quality, at least not in our books.

Make Unforgettable Travel Memories

Bulan Restu share glimpses from their amazing journeys

Our Story

Bulan Restu is one of the reputed bus service providers serving the travel industry. This bus company provides punctual and effective services. Bulan Restu is recognized for creating travel convenience for many commuters. All types of buses offered by Bulan Restu help in connecting cities. The bus service provider assures passenger safety and comfort.


About Us

"Bulan Restu is experienced in offering bus services across a number of city routes. The bus company makes continuous efforts in providing prompt service. It consists of well-maintained buses and cordial staff assisting passengers at all times. Travelling with Bulan Restu as their buses adhere to time and deliver an enjoyable experience.
The various types of buses run by Bulan Restu are:


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